Digitally composite image of man suffering with knee cramp
Arthritis is a condition that causes inflammation in the joints. There are different types of arthritis. Some of them include osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and psoriatic arthritis. While this condition is most common in elderly people, especially those over 65 years of age, it can also affect younger people unfortunately. Treatment for the different types of arthritis is mostly geared towards reducing the inflammation and helping in the pain management.
Diet can also play a role in helping you manage the symptoms of arthritis. Although no one specific diet can totally help you with your arthritis, some dietary habits can definitely make you feel better.
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1.Saturated Fats
Foods that have high levels of saturated fats will likely trigger the inflammation of the fat tissue (adipose). This could put you at risk of getting heart disease and worsen inflammation, making your arthritis situation even worse than it might already be.
Some examples of foods that have very high levels of saturated fats include fried and processed foods, red meat and full-fat dairy products. Reducing your intake of this will help in that it will restore your body’s natural defenses and keep inflammation low.
2. Sugar and refined carbs
Taking too much sugar on a daily basis will cause an AGE spike in your body which will cause inflammation. According to reputable studies, sugar triggers the release of inflammatory messengers. They are known as cytokines. So understandably, it is hard to avoid sugar.
Part of the reason is that sugar comes in a number of different names. To be on the safe side though, just look out for any labels that end on “ose” for example fructose or sucrose. For your own good cut out things like soda, candy and other desserts with empty calories and food made from refined white flour.