What are the symptoms of a stomach ulcer : Symptoms like burning sensation in the stomach, uneasiness, tummy pain, burping, a feeling of being sick, appetite loss, heartburn and indigestion, can be eased and healed with medication and natural home remedies also. In case of serious stomach ulcers, blood vomiting, passing tar like or sticky stools, sharp pain in the stomach, a doctor must be contacted immediately.
What causes an ulcer in the stomach?
Depending upon the cause, treatment for peptic ulcers is given. To neutralize, block or reduce acid in the stomach, acid blocking medications used as treatment for stomach ulcers. As per research, bioflavonoids also called flavonoids present in vegetables and fruits are effective in stomach ulcer treatment. Flavonoid enriched drinks and fruits and vegetables like broccoli, soybeans, berries, red grapes, legumes, green tea, kale and apples are excellent in treating stomach ulcers.
What are the best foods to eat when you have an ulcer?
What not to eat when you have an ulcer?
What foods are safe to eat with an ulcer?
What foods are good for an ulcer?
However red wines, deep fried foods, coffee, salty red meats, processed foods, hot peppers, chilies, carbonated beverages, alcohol, milk and citrus fruits could aggravate stomach ulcers. One thing to keep in mind is to avoid flavonoids in higher amounts as it is important for blood clot prevention.
Deglycyrrhizinated and priobiotics like yoghurt, kimchi, buttermilk and miso are given to wipe out the virus and increase recovery rate from stomach ulcers. Consuming honey and garlic inhibits growth of the bacteria and soothe the ulcers. Cranberry juice is helpful in preventing bacteria from settling on the bladder walls. Mastic gum or mastic supplement helps fight the H. pylori bacteria as well if other treatments do not work well.
Treatment for stomach ulcers must be availed from an experienced doctor. It must be noted that to get relief and accelerate process of healing, incorporating a natural approach is always good.